Langkah Pertama Menuju Kesuksesan: Lowongan Sales Canvassing Pabrik Surabaya

  • Arby Seo
  • Nov 16, 2023
Logo PT Ultra Prima Abadi (Orang Tua Group)


Informasi Mengenai Perusahaan:

We have created unique products that win the competition through research and innovation. Our products have enjoyed a special place in the hearts of our customers, thanks to our investment in brand building. Just mention our popular brands, such as FORMULA, TANGO, OOPS, and KIRANTI, and you’ll know what we mean. These brands have become everyday household names. Our portfolio of products, from toothpaste and toothbrushes to health food and drinks, is already part of the daily activities of the Indonesian people. Today, consumers in other countries have also become familiar with our products. Our commitment to quality and innovation has enabled us to stand firm and grow over the past half a century into a leading local consumer goods producer, ready to compete with other world-class companies. Several of our product brands have gained recognition as market leaders in Indonesia and received several customer satisfaction awards. In addition, our brands have also received substantial brand awards based on various surveys conducted by independent national and international market research firms. These accomplishments have resulted from the values we have adhered to since early on. They are also the results of the close relationships between our customers, employees, the company owner, and other stakeholders. We are in the business of fulfilling the needs of the consumers and contributing to the general welfare of the people. Therefore, we have always strived to build and expand our business and enhance the quality of our products and services to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s consumers. 
From Traditional Herb Products to Daily Household Products The journey started in 1948, as public reception of traditional health drinks proliferated. To meet the new demand for such products, a factory was built in Semarang, followed two years later by another facility in Jakarta. With the growth of the business and the increasing demand from the public, new production facilities began, and new business units were built. New products were also introduced, including toothpaste and toothbrushes under the FORMULA brand, and in 1985, a holding company was established called ADA (the name stands for Attention, Direction, and Action). Business development and product diversification continued under the ADA flag. Production capacity was increased, while the expanding product portfolio required solid sales and marketing teams. To manage and control the distribution channels needed to deliver products to consumers all over Indonesia, the management appointed PT Arta Boga Cemerlang as its sole distributor. As the distributor, Arta Boga Cemerlang has done a great job ensuring product penetration into traditional and non-traditional markets. In 1995, ADA changed its name to ORANG TUA. The ORANG TUA brand, which carries a lot of historical values, already has its roots ingrained in the community. Meanwhile, in consumers’ minds, the name ORANG TUA is also closely associated with traditional health drinks. Thus, revitalizing the name and the logo became necessary to support the business development strategy as it entered the consumer goods segment. In 2004, the ORANG TUA logo was modified to reflect the company’s commitment as a producer of branded, consumer-choice products that are the pride of the company’s employees. The new logo also appeals to the target customers, which consist of dynamic young people who are highly spirited and always young at heart. It has diversified into several industry sectors, including personal care, confectionery, health drinks, biscuits, dairy, jelly products, RTD Tea, and Snacks and nuts. The company, which started modestly as a producer of traditional health drinks, has now evolved into a producer of various consumer goods.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Yang Akan Anda Lakukan :

  • Melakukan penawaran, pendistribusian, dan mencari pesanan penjualan produk langsung di Area wilayah sekitar Pabrik
  • Memastikan produk yang di jual sampai ke konsumen dalam kondisi baik dan tepat waktu
  • Mampu melakukan penjelasan dan menjawab pertanyaan konsumen terkait produk yang di tawarkan
  • Mampu mencapai target penjualan secara harian, mingguan dan bulanan
  • Melakukan market riset terkait aktivitas dan perkembangan produk lain di lapangan

Kualifikasi Jabatan Yang Diperlukan :

  • Pendidikan minimal SMA/ SMK / sederajat semua jurusan dengan nilai rata-rata min. 70
  • Usia 20 – 35 tahun
  • Diutamakan pengalaman Sales minimal 1 tahun
  • Fresh Graduates dapat diperbolehkan melamar
  • Memiliki SIM A aktif dan dapat menyetir mobil atau memiliki SIM C aktif dan memiliki sepeda motor pribadi
  • Menyukai pekerjaan Field Sales atau penjualan produk langsung di lapangan
  • Berpenampilan rapi dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Bersedia bekerja dengan mobilitas tinggi di lapangan
  • Penempatan kerja di Pabrik Produsen Wilayah Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Hanya kandidat yang sesuai kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti Proses Rekrutmen selanjutnya.


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