PT Galva Galindra Multi Cipta
Informasi Mengenai Perusahaan:
Galva Group is a leading supplier of electronic products, which are comprised primarily of public address systems, professional audio-video systems, telecommunication equipment, computers, personal computer peripherals equipment, security systems, and electronic components. We are involved in manufacturing, systems integration, trading, and distribution activities. Our new line of business is in Hospitality and Food Packaging. Galva’s electronics business is centered around multimedia technology – the integration of sound, vision, data, and telecommunication.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 akuntansi atau finance.
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang terkait.
- Fresh graduates yang mau belajar dipersilahkan melamar.
- Melakukan proses transaksi keuangan/klaim nota, baik tunai maupun bank.
- Menganalisa pembiayaan operasional.
- Memproses e-billing tagihan customer.
- Memproses tagihan customer.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik.
- Teliti dan tekun dalam bekerja.